In August of 2019, Pastor Brice Owens and his family set out to begin Restoration’s ministry in Fayetteville, Ohio. Although the pastor had rented out a storefront space for the first service, electric service was not available in the space. Restoration’s first several months of services were held in the Fayetteville Community Park shelter. It was here that the first visitors arrived, in turn, bringing visitors of their own during the following weeks and months. It wasn’t until November of 2019 that the storefront space, between First State Bank and Village Pizza, was finally available for meeting. From November of 2019 to May of 2021, God was blessing and growing Restoration to the point that in May of 2021, a second storefront space was needed to house the attendees. In May 2021, Restoration rented a 2nd storefront space, knocking down the wall in between the two spaces to create one larger meeting place.
From August 2019 to the present, God has continually grown the ministry. Souls have been saved by Jesus Christ, and members have been added to the church monthly. We are approaching our fifth anniversary as a church plant and are continually excited by what God is doing in Fayetteville!